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"To be an architect is to be a team" - Marcin Garbacki of Projekt Praga studio

08 of July '20

What does it mean to be an architect today? What are the conditions for practicing this profession? In the series "The Architect's Profession" we address these two questions to Polish architects and female architects, and illustrate their statements with unrealized office projects. In the next installment of the series, Marcin Garbacki of the Projekt Praga studio talks about the architectural profession.

Marcin Garbacki, Projekt Praga

Marcin Garbacki

Photo: M.Ostrowska

1 What does it mean to be an architect today?

To be an architect increasingly means to be a lawyer, negotiator, mediator, engineer, salesman, manager, psychologist, environmentalist, accountant, debt collector.

To be an architect is to be a team.

2 What are the conditions for practicing as an architect?

What makes this profession extremely passionate is the lack of repetitiveness and unpredictability in both the positive and negative sense, meeting new people and areas of knowledge. With every project something new.

What conditions this profession the most nowadays is, on the one hand (positive), the availability of public architectural competitions, which are a chance to win very interesting assignments, and technological developments that facilitate work (BIM, VR, tools that facilitate work organization andremote work), and on the other hand, frequent ambiguities in legal regulations, too low a ceiling on fees, especially in relation to the high responsibility, and the weak or unstable position of the architectural profession.


Project Prague

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