
Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją


Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Best floors

Because of its large plane, the floor is a significant element of the interior. Perfectly selected can give any room a unique character and design, so when finishing the premises should not underestimate this part of the decor.

Flooring is the best choice.

what floor to choose?

Today, functionality and design go hand in hand. You can choose a floor that is practical and beautiful at the same time. The rich assortment on the market of finishing materials allows you to create unique interiors. The only limitation is the imagination of the architect. Whether these will be warm spaces, which climate is given by wood, or minimalist or classic finished with stone. The floor is the design element that immediately catches the eye upon entering the room.

The digital revolution makes it possible to create colorful designs with high-quality prints on large-format carpets, so any interior can be colorful and unique.

Can a nice floor be functional?

When choosing a floor for an apartment, we largely focus on its aesthetic appearance, but its wearability and functionality are equally important. The latter features are especially important when finishing public interiors, for example: hotels, cafeterias, or hospital rooms. In this case functionality and design can also go hand in hand.

does flooring fit in with the green trend?

Today there is a lot of talk about ecology. Modern technology makes it possible to transform unnecessary materials into new, qualitatively perfect forms. More and more architects are paying attention to the origin of the materials they use for interior finishes.

It's not just recycling that's important here. Also an important element is the reference to nature. Stone, concrete, wood, or earth colors, can create unique interiors inspired by nature.

The interior design of a home is not the only one.

A well-designed floor sets the mood for the entire interior, while modern technological solutions improve its functionality. It must be safe and sturdy at the same time harmonize with the whole interior.

The floor must be safe and sturdy at the same time harmonize with the whole interior.