
Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją


Artykuły z audiodeskrypcją

Architecture of bridges

Bridges are no longer just a connection between two banks. They are becoming a coherent element of architecture and landscape. Sometimes they surprise with their form and give a unique character to the city.

marine design

Denmark is a country for which design and architecture are of great importance. Built in 2013, the bridge by Studio Olafur Eliasson combines modernity and history of the Copenhagen neighborhood. The Cirkelbroen Bridge consists of five movable bases in a circular shape. From afar, the structure resembles the masts of boats, many of which are moored daily off the coast of the canal.

Bridge among the fjords

From the ideas of Rintala Eggertsson Architects was born the design for a bridge in Norway. A concrete structure with expanded metal and corten steel elements was created in the harsh conditions of pristine nature. The architects were tasked with creating a sturdy structure that could withstand the weather conditions that are not easy in this region. Both the appearance of the bridge and the materials used in its construction perfectly fit in the ideas of Scandinavian minimalism. The simplicity and solidity of the object are incredible assets of this structure.